Wednesday, September 29, 2010

T:BA:10 DVD are done!

Woohoo! I'm finally done with the T:BA:10 DVDs! It was a lot of fun shooting, editing and creating the DVDs.

I did have some technical setbacks:
1) after reusing the same iDVD project, I found that only the DVD menu would play.. the movie was not triggered when you hit play. Oops!
2) The last video I made was the Nature Theatre of OK video and it kept failing at almost the end of the multiplexing routine, about 1 1/2 hrs into the rendering.. dammit... I finally just recreated the project from scratch and it worked.. whew!
3) In a few more DVDs, I realized when I put the disc in the player and it said "My Great DVD" that I'd forgot to rename the project.
4) the raw footage took up tons of disk space so at one point my computer said "the boot disk is almost full". I had to move some stuff off.
5) I think the scariest part of this project was the fact that I was shooting to a SD memory card, not a tape.. therefore, after each shoot I had to backup the SD card in order to reuse. No tapes to fall back on in worst case scenario. 

Anyway, all's well that ends well. Here are a couple pics of the finished project. I even did CD jewel case covers and insert. I'm stoked to hand these off to Patrick today!

In other news:
I attended Daryl Freedman's recital last night at PAM's Whitsell Auditorium. What a great performance! the space is beautiful but I've only seen films there. Rob's piano accompaniment was superb... both Daryl and Rob really showed the emotion of the pieces on their faces and body language. The reception afterwards was yummy: desserts and wine/beer. They had Stella! ("Stella" in Streetcar Named Desire style). I even got to wear some of the dessert.. I was standing near the door to the kitchen and a woman came out with fresh tray of custard treats with raspberry jam... a couple fell off the tray and I had custard and jelly down the back of my legs.. oh well. it was just jeans, easy to wash.

I found out last night that I'm playing one of the Chefs in Hansel & Gretel which starts rehearsal in a couple + weeks.

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